Thursday, October 31, 2013

Welcome to The Sisterhood Exchange

When The Sisterhood Exchange poured through me several years ago, I did not know that it would become a book and I had no idea what its theme or final length would be. I did know, instinctively, that when all that needed to be said was said, I was to stop writing.

Wisdom about subjects that I had not given much thought to flowed freely. Insight on subjects like gossip and why it blocks a woman’s success, why the voice in our head keeps us stuck and how a sisterfriend’s relationship with her mother is an indication of how successful she’ll become flooded my mind and ended up on my pages. As I wrote, I found myself using ‘sisterfriend’ and ‘woman’ interchangeably. Sixty-four short pages later, it was complete.

It is a very special book that is getting amazing reviews. One reviewer said, "The Sisterhood Exchange is a book that women have been waiting for and many will be drawn to it for different reasons. Some women will be drawn to The Sisterhood Exchange in its entirety, while others will feel that a specific chapter was written just for them."

For each woman, each sisterfriend that dares to embrace it, to spend silent time with it, to allow its words to flow into the sacred space within her heart; she will likely step into a synergistic flow that is sweeping the world and pushing women to discover their purpose and to live their lives at the fullest, most authentic level possible. 

Increasingly, women are feeling a strong sense of urgency with stepping into our greatness; but it's even bigger than that. We're also feeling a strong obligation to help other women to step into theirs. And that's what The Sisterhood Exchange is all about. It illustrates that by becoming more aware of how we're using our personal energy, and that by creating the intention to  focus our personal energy on what really matters, we can live the life of our dreams!

Consider this: The inner drive to live freely and fully has gotten so strong that young sisterfriends in repressive countries that kill women simply because they're female are standing up and demanding changes that could cost them their lives. Please read that again. If it resonates with you as strongly as it did with me, it will create in you a personal obligation to stop playing small and to do the things that you've convinced yourself that you can't. If it stirred something inside of you, then The Sisterhood Exchange is for you.  

The Sisterhood Exchange is for the many women who are ready to silence the inner critic, that relentless voice in our heads that is responsible for the derailment of far too many of our dreams. 

The Sisterhood Exchange is for women who want to understand how their relationship with their mother - whether it's good, bad or somewhere in between - affects their level of success. 

The Sisterhood Exchange is for the woman who is ready to eliminate one of the biggest, seemingly innocent energy wasters from her life - and how doing so attracts more goodness, more prosperity and more joy than she's ever experienced.

The Sisterhood Exchange is for the woman who has no more time to waste. It is for the woman willing to go deeper, for the woman willing to really look at who she is, who she wants to be, what she wants and why she should have it.

For that woman, reading The Sisterhood Exchange will open her up to opportunities to bring her dreams to life. And because we all learn differently, the opportunities will show up in ways that resonate with each woman individually. 

After reading this book, some will be led to pick up another book. Others will find themselves at a workshop or seminar that speaks to their soul. A sisterfriend will feel that the pastor’s Sunday sermon had her name all over it and yet, another will “bump into” the perfect “teacher” who arrives at the perfect time because she, the student, is ready.

There is a synergy in the air. Women are becoming increasingly aware that this is no dress rehearsal. What we do with our lives is up to us.

Our time is now. Let's do this!

Michelle Hollinger is the author of The Sisterhood Exchange. Purchase a copy at


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