Acupuncture is an ancient Eastern medical practice that balances the body's energy or Chi. It is an effective way to alleviate pain, discomfort and to help optimize the body's functioning and self-healing abilities.
The painless procedure involves the practitioner placing super tiny needles into the patient's body. If a particular ailment is being remedied, the needles will be placed in and near the area of the ailment in order to facilitate the flow of beautiful healing energy.
I used it years ago as a part of a prevention regime to keep me balanced. Now that I've hit 50, I plan to resume acupuncture as a part of my wellness routine so that my mind, body and soul behave like fine wine - we get better with time.
My intention to reintroduce acupuncture into my life got me to wondering about other possible benefits of the ancient practice. What if the insertion of the needles also serves a deeper, more spiritual purpose?
What if each pin prick serves as an outlet through which our inner splendor can escape?
What if by activating the beautiful energy within us we also activate strength, courage and wisdom; the strength, courage and wisdom necessary to write the book, launch the small business, obtain the degree, show up for the audition, leave the toxic relationship?
What if the authentic power that we need to create the life that we've only allowed ourselves to fantasize about can be unleashed - one super tiny pin prick at a time?
What if the inner splendor could be released whether we used acupuncture or not? What if?
Michelle Hollinger is the author of The Sisterhood Exchange. Purchase a copy at
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